Giving Back
Our world as we know it, is not in its best state. Not only in terms of health related topics - but our mental states, our businesses, finances.
“What can I do to make a difference?”
It's a question I am constantly asking myself, to make the smallest impact or give a glimpse of hope. I want to be the reason why someone smiled today or forgot about the hardship they are experiencing for a minute. So I decided to give back.
Wrote hand written notes to tell my friends how much they mean to me.
This concept has been ingrained in my mind since the beginning of my time and it all came from a story I want to share with you.
We were on our way to the Carlisle car show - one of two trips we took there every year. One in the Spring and one in the Fall for my entire childhood. My mom would drive one vehicle {usually with me} and my dad would drive the motorhome with my sister. My parents sold a variety of odds and ends - “vending” at shows is what they called it - which meant we traveled a lot. We set up tents and tables multiple times a year and filled them with stuff like model cars, hot wheels and car parts on my “dad’s side” and candles, jewelry, crystals, and crafts on my mom’s, to sell. On our way there we would always drive through a toll booth. I remember one very specific incident when I was probably five or so years old. My mom pulled up to the booth, with me riding in the passenger side, the toll person said a specific amount like $1.50 and she responded “and the car behind me”. It wasn’t something she seemed to have thought about beforehand, she just paid for herself and the car behind her. At first, I thought Oh, my dad must be right behind us and she was just paying for us both at the same time... but he wasn’t. Let me also tell you that this was way before it was a normal thing to buy the person’s coffee order behind you in the Starbucks line. After we drove away from the toll I asked my mom if she knew the person behind us and she said no. I did not understand at all, but the great thing about my mom was that if there was something we didn’t understand as kids - she would explain it until we did. She went on to tell me that it was just a nice gesture, in hopes of making that person’s day, and that one small act of kindness could have a huge impact. “The power of positivity” is something she would say.
Paid for the car behind me at Starbucks
Follow along my Gratitude Challenge. It is a series of random acts of kindness, with a note card left to inspire a chain reaction of giving back! A small gesture of kindness to spark a positive emotion of gratitude!
A few single dollars left in the dollar spot at Target
“Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have and you will attract more good things.” - The Secret
Please join the gratitude challenge, during a time where we could all use a little extra hope in mankind.
Perform a nice gesture for someone and remember that you have the power to make an impact.
Photos by Corinne and Company