Lavanilla Mint Lip Balm Recipe
Photo courtesy of Her Soul and Goals
For all the lip balm lovers like me out there - I have a recipe you are going to want to save, bookmark, (is that still a thing?) share and make immediately! I am obsessed with the holiday exclusive vanilla mint lip balm flavor from Young Living and stock up on their holiday tin collections every year just to make sure I have enough to last me through till next November.
This will be hoarding behavior I get to leave in the past because I have created a substitute that comes so close to the real thing, I no longer need to worry about reaching into the bottom of my purse and pulling out a flavor I don’t like!
The recipe makes 12 so I should be good for a while and be able to share a few for holiday gifts!
Bowl from Double G Home and Garden
You’ll want to gather all of your supplies ahead of time, so let’s go over what you’ll need!
Carrier oils and waxes: when purchasing these look for unrefined, organic and raw options.
Coconut oil, jojoba oil (or wax) + beeswax
Essentials oils: unfortunately all essential oils are not created equal. According to FDA regulations, they only need to contain 10% actual essential oil to be labeled as pure. The rest can be fillers, toxins, carriers, alcohol, water, ect. - anything to cut costs and companies do not need to disclose their ingredient list. Unless you are reading GCMS reports, there is no way to be able to tell what is in an essential oil bottle. This is why it is crucial to know and trust the company you are buying from.
Young Living essential oils are regulated by the FDA and are labeled safe for consumption, that means they fall under the category of food vs cosmetics/fragrance. There are absolutely no additives to Young Living essential oils because of this. They also own their own farms and you can even visit and watch the distillation process! They are a company that offers full transparency.
Lavender, Peppermint, Spearmint, Vanilla
Bottles / containers: 12 lip balm tubes
double boiler
lip balm tray
variety of small measuring bowls
measuring cup
Turn the volume up on some happy music (my choice is always Taylor Swift) and get comfortable in the kitchen!
Fill up your double boiler with water and turn it on low.
*I used a medium saucepan and placed a large glass measuring cup inside.
Measure 1/2 ounce of jojoba oil.
*Be sure to tare your scale each time with the weight of your bowl first.
Measure 1/2 ounce of beeswax.
Measure 1 ounce of coconut oil.
Turn the stove up to medium heat.
Add in the measured beeswax into the double boiler and stir.
*This will take the longest to melt because it is a solid.
Add in jojoba oil next (it can handle high heat).
When both are fully melted, add in coconut oil and stir.
Turn off the heat.
Flip the lip balm tray upside down and press the lip balm tubes into the holes. Place one in each corner to stay balanced and then cluster the rest together. Flip right side up again.
Mix in 55-60 drops of essential oils.
*Expose the essential oils to the least amount of heat as possible.
Young Living Vanilla Mint copy cat recipe: 10 drops vanilla + 35 drops lavender + 10 drops peppermint + 5 drops spearmint
Pour the melted liquid into the lip balm tubes all the way up to the top.
Optional: use a hair dryer to blow on the tops of the tubes lightly with hot heat to remelt the top to eliminate the hole from the center.
Allow the tubes to cool for a few minutes and place the lids on.
Wait a few hours to let the lip balms harden fully, then enjoy!
”The tare of a container is its weight when it's empty, which is important to know when you can't weigh something without putting it into something else.”